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Christine Roose

I have had the distinct pleasure of playing with color|shape|light all of my life.  As a child, I drew, I painted, and I noticed how light fell on subjects and made them bright and bold, subdued and moody...or somewhere in between.  'Light' – the study of it, the awareness of it, has been my greatest influence and my greatest pursuit as an artist.

I studied Design as an undergrad at a community college in Michigan and then went on to study Fine Art at Salzburg College in Salzburg, Austria.

I began my professional career in NYC in the field of publications.  I learned so much in the 10 years as a freelance designer in the Promotion Departments of Condé Nast Publications and Hearst Publications magazines. Lessons of strength, focus, professionalism and creativity that I carry with me always.

I took those lessons forward into the next chapter when I shifted in focus to a largely non-profit sector – committed to underserved communities and often with an educational focus.

In 1999, I formalized Peregrine Design Studio.  My previous experiences and professional relationships wove themselves into a balance of non-profit, for profit, and educational design direction.  I have enjoyed that balance greatly.  A good portion of my work has been the branding of NYC schools.
I am honored to be a part of the process of bringing purpose, identity and community to the children of the schools through the same color|shape|light that I was nourished by
as a child.

I live and work in the Hudson Valley, just north of NYC on a sweet spot of land with my much adored animals and gardens.  I have 2 adult children – both artists themselves.  Skylar is a mixed media artist living in Los Angeles, and Savannah is a sculptor|costume designer about to enter graduate studies in Edinburgh, Scotland.  I am grateful for the constancy of collaboration, support and inspiration that we share.  I look ahead to an incredible and exciting future with them.  I always have.  I always will ... from whatever pinpoints on the globe we happen to
call 'home'.

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